
Showing posts from October, 2019

Cause and Effect Blog Post #7

For this post I chose "The Beguiling Truth About Beauty", mainly because of the interesting line about our brains never stopping gathering data. I find this statement to be wholeheartedly true. Even though we may be past our learning phase once we exit school, our minds always learn something new, even if it's completely irrelevant. That is how our brains are wired. It is meant to take in any new information. Whether or not that is something you are interested in, it is something our brain scans and locks away or discards.

Blogpost #6

With our new subject "Compare and Contrast", the story chosen to do so is on the similarities and differences of General Grant and General Lee of the Civil War. I personally did not know much about the two, so I will use this as an opportunity to find new information to compare and contrast;). Similarities Between Lee and Grant They both stood for democracy Both opposite of tidewater aristocrats Tenacity and Fidelity Refusal to give up Ability to reconcile so quickly Daring and resourceful Differences Lee was brought up through nobility, while Grant was brought up the hard way and looked toward the future. Grant was a modern man, while Lee looked backwards Lee fought for defending everything that gave life meaning, while Grant fought for the broader view of society.